Our proven methodology ensures your ABM program delivers high-value engagement, relationship-building and revenue acceleration in your most strategic accounts:
1. Strategic alignment: we begin by evaluating a wide range of factors (your business goals, growth plans, revenue targets associated with your strategic accounts, your target audiences and value propositions, challenges, opportunities and more) to gain a solid understanding of your business.
2. Define ABM objectives: together, we clearly define the objectives for your ABM program to deliver on your business and revenue goals.
3. Sales enablement & change management: we educate your sales team on ABM – what it means, how it works, and how it can accelerate their path to revenue.
4. Ideal customer profiling: we can help review and refine your ideal customer profile (ICP), then identify the strategic accounts that best fit this profile.
5. Program scoping: based on your ABM goals, sales capacity and other factors, we define the project scope, timelines and resources required.
6. Strategy formulation: we formulate a comprehensive, multi-channel ABM strategy tailored to your revenue goals and ensure all internal stakeholders are aligned.
7. Account intelligence: our team conducts and delivers deep-dive research into each strategic account – mapping out the entire decision-making committee and key stakeholders. We uncover their priorities, strategic objectives, drivers and potential challenges. Crucially, we link the account’s goals to how your solution can create meaningful value and impact for their business. This level of insight allows us to craft a tailored value propositions that deeply resonate with each stakeholder.
8. Account workshops: our consultants deliver the account insights to your sales team through collaborative workshops, jointly developing an engagement strategy, relationship milestones roadmap and revenue potential for each account.
9. Messaging alignment: using the research findings, we develop a compelling core value proposition and tailor messaging for each account and stakeholder.
10. Focused outreach & relationship nurture to build trust: we execute the agreed outreach and nurture plays across the right channels to spark engagement – meetings, conversations, responses. We continue engaging key stakeholders to build relationships, trust and brand equity via an array of tailored tactics like physical direct mail, targeted digital, events, customer advocacy and ‘white-glove’ initiatives and more. We liaise with your marketing team to make sure we leverage their programs for ABM, thus maximising your ROI.
11. Continuous collaboration with the Enterprise sales team: we hold regular cadence calls with individual account owners to align our efforts, discuss impact, and plan the best next steps in the sales cycle. (This consistent engagement has a positive impact on accelerating sales cycle velocity, as it forces progress through frequent action.)
12. Continuous optimisation: we consistently measure results, share insights, and optimize strategies and tactics for maximum continued impact.